Love and kindness are something different. If you like the current one are good to you, you better be careful with your feelings. Find out in advance what the purpose of his kindness, whether he / she intends to approach you or because he / she is a good person and always behave like that to everyone. If it's good attitude is a form of love to you then it's up to you whether to accept or not.
Someone who is lost, either because parted on good terms or separation because of something painful, are usually very sensitive to the goodness of other people. Especially if his severance because hurt. It was indeed good, it means that we can open our hearts and promptly forgetting the painful incident. Because a lot of people if it would hurt to remember that a protracted or prolonged trauma. But my concern is not the intent of it, but if someone is kind to you is indeed a good person to everyone or not just to you and you finally have misinterpreted the kindness, concern will make you depressed.
Just Because I'm Nice To You, Does not Mean I Like You. It Just Means I'm Not Rude is a phrase to avoid misunderstandings. Because not all goodness is a form of love. Kindness is a fraction of the love, so do not make a final judgment kindness that he / she loves us.
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