Monday, 24 June 2013

Some People Never Change

By on 10:07

We often hear the term saying that "in this world nothing is impossible". Most of you might say that's true, but we also should not prohibit other people to say no. There is always a choice for those who want to make a decision and we should not imposing our view option or to others.
Some People Never Change

God gave man a privilege that one of them is the right to choose, good or bad, right wrong, and etc.. For those who want to change for the better then they will change for the better at least from the way of thinking because it was thinking about something positive that change for the better for them.

Nor vice versa for those who are satisfied with their current existence so do not even think to change for the better again. Then God will make that ancient humans, ancient science, an ancient way of dressing, old-fashioned thinking, and etc.. That sooner or later people are not willing to change will be lost from civilization and socially. You may deny it all but you can never escape the fact that you are an agent of change. The more quickly you adapt to changes as well, the more smoothly your way to success.

Tukang Coding
Judul: Some People Never Change
Review oleh: Tukang Coding | Template TreTans 1.0
Update pada: 10:07 | Rating: 4.5

Comment for "Some People Never Change"


  1. some people never changeSome people never go crazy to grow up into mature adults. Every human being has his own emotions. So why some people never change their behaviors and will?
