Sunday, 30 June 2013

Sometimes Your Mind Says No, But Your Heart Says Go

By on 00:13

It is not unusual when there are people who say no when in fact it does. I'm sure you've also done it. For example, when you are in ask about your feelings to someone and you say do not like it when you love it.

Sometimes Your Mind Says No, But Your Heart Says Go

In life is indeed sometimes necessary to lie to defend yourself but do not let us deceive ourselves feeling because it will be very painful. Just tell me when you're bored indeed very poor and wanted to be rich. Do not ever kid yourself just to the wrong beliefs. Although our minds lie still be caught as well as all the feelings centered in our hearts.

Heart that allow you happy, sad, happy, disappointed, etc., so do not ever lie to your heart and your feelings because you would feel the impact itself. Be someone who respect yourself and be true to yourself. If you can do that then your heart and your mind will find a way for you to make it happen.

Tukang Coding
Judul: Sometimes Your Mind Says No, But Your Heart Says Go
Review oleh: Tukang Coding | Template TreTans 1.0
Update pada: 00:13 | Rating: 4.5

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